- Language: Kosraean
- Alternate names: Kosrae, Kusaie
- Language code: kos
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Oceanic, Micronesian, Nuclear Micronesian
- Number of speakers: 8000
- Vulnerability: Threatened [Read more...]
- Script:
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Kosraean is a language of Micronesia. It is spoken in Kosrae island, Caroline Islands. Also in Nauru, United States.
Lelu-Tafunsak, Malen-Utwe. Lexical similarity: 26% with Pohnapeian (See: Pohnpeian).
The Kosraean Verb
- (a)-kɨle-(n), etʌ, etuh -- to know, be knowledgeable
- (mɨ)sʌŋsʌŋ, ŋok -- to sniff, smell
- acni -- to spit
- acsracsr -- to flow
- aŋwe, fæ-k, fahk -- to say
- awi, ayʌ, kapihr, pip -- to tie up, fasten
- eis, moli -- to buy
- el, tahpuhl -- to turn
- ɛl, som -- to walk
- fær, tuhkuh -- to come
- fahluhki, fan -- to climb
- fahrfahr, sruh -- to hold
- faht, fiti -- to swell
- fakfuhk -- to stab, pierce
- falfal, fʌlʌ-ŋ, fihlihk -- to split
- fulok, isihk -- to burn
- ikor, top -- to fall
- ikuhs -- to open, uncover
- ikwi, yok, yuki -- to plant
- isacs -- to squeeze
- isracsr, ŋis, ŋisŋis -- to laugh
- kahl, pɨsre, pʌsr, pisrapasr, puhsr -- to steal
- kakʌ, kawi, rahfuhs[i] -- to scratch
- kalti, kuhluhk, osrak, osrwosr -- to throw
- kaŋ, kihmihs, moŋo -- to eat
- kaŋ, moŋo -- to suck
- kap -- to grow
- kofkof -- to swim
- kolai, wɔt, woht -- to vomit
- kʌlkʌl, kilʌ-ŋ, kuhlkuhl, puhk -- to dig
- lɔŋ, lohŋ -- to hear
- lihkacski -- to shoot
- mo-tok, sahŋweŋ -- to fear
- moul -- to live, be alive
- muh -- to see
- mutul -- to sleep
- mʌ, motko, muh -- to think
- mʌ, muh -- to yawn
- mʌta (in aset), mʌta (lɨplɨp), pihtuhk -- to sit
- mwemwe -- to dream
- mʷet, misac, misɛ -- to die, be dead
- nɨ-m, nɨmnɨm, nihm -- to drink
- ŋalŋuhl -- to bite
- ŋosr -- to breathe
- oacoac, oɛoɛ, oek, oe-k -- to count
- on-(kiyʌki), ona -- to lie down
- pæpæ, uk, ukuk -- to blow
- paki, tæt, twe, uti -- to cut, hack
- pohel[i] -- to cook
- sohk -- to fly
- suhsahk, tuk, tukutuk -- to hit
- sule -- to choose
- tu -- to stand
- tuk, tuk[tuk], tuk-tuk -- to pound, beat
- tʌ, tʌta, tuh[ta] -- to sew
- tʌŋ, tuhŋ -- to cry
- uni -- to kill
- wi[wi] -- to chew
- wihk -- to hide