- Language: Malay
- Alternate names: Bahasa Malayu, Colloquial Malay, Informal Malay, Local Malay, Malayu
- Language code: zlm
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Malayo-Sumbawan, North and East Malayo-Sumbawan, Malayic, Nuclear Malayic, Singapore Archipelago Malay
- Number of speakers: 10500000
- Script:

More information:
Malay is a language of Malaysia. It is spoken in Widespread in Peninsular Malaysia, parts of Sarawak. Also in Canada, Indonesia, Singapore, Sint Maarten, United Arab Emirates, United States.
Akit, Belitung, coastal Jambi, Coastal Terengganu, Deli, Inland Terengganu, Jugra-Muar-Melaka-Johor, Kelantan, Lubu, Northwestern Kalimantan, Orang Hulu, Orang Kuala, Pahang, Riau islands, Riau Mainland, Sakai, Sarawak (Sarawak Malay), Southeast Island, Southwestern Coastal Kalimantan, Tamiang, Upstream Western Kalimantan. Kedah Malay (See: Malay, Kedah?), Negeri Sembilan Malay (See: Negeri Sembilan Malay?), Jakun (See: Jakun?), Orang Kanaq (See: Orang Kanaq?), Orang Seletar (See: Orang Seletar?), Temuan (See: Temuan?), Sabah Malay (See: Malay, Sabah?), and Brunei (See: Brunei), are so closely related that they may one day be included as dialects of Malay (See: Malay). Coastal Terengganu, inland Terengganu, Kelantan most aberrant but evidently mutually intelligible with Patani (See: Patani?).
The Malay Verb
- beburu -- to hunt
- bediri -- to stand
- begawe -- to work
- beguling -- to lie down
- bejalan -- to walk
- beli -- to buy
- belok -- to turn
- benapas -- to breathe
- bepikir -- to think
- berenang -- to swim
- buka -- to open, uncover
- datang -- to come
- duduk -- to sit
- gali -- to dig
- garuk -- to scratch
- genggam -- to hold
- gigit -- to bite
- hembus -- to blow
- idup -- to live, be alive
- ikat -- to tie up, fasten
- isap -- to sniff, smell
- isap -- to suck
- jatuh -- to fall
- lempar -- to throw
- makan -- to eat
- manjat -- to climb
- masak -- to cook
- mati -- to die, be dead
- membagi -- to split
- membunuh -- to kill
- mencuri -- to steal
- menjait -- to sew
- milih -- to choose
- mimpi -- to dream
- minum -- to drink
- muntah -- to vomit
- nagis -- to cry
- nanam -- to plant
- ndenger -- to hear
- nembak -- to shoot
- ngalir -- to flow
- ngeliat -- to see
- ngembang -- to swell
- ngitung -- to count
- ngomong -- to say
- nguap -- to yawn
- ngunyah -- to chew
- nujah -- to stab, pierce
- numbuk -- to pound, beat
- peres -- to squeeze
- potong -- to cut, hack
- pukul -- to hit
- sembunyi -- to hide
- takut -- to fear
- tau -- to know, be knowledgeable
- tebakar -- to burn
- terbang -- to fly
- tetawo -- to laugh
- tiduk -- to sleep
- tumbuh -- to grow
- tusuk -- to spit