Masela, East
- Language: Masela, East
- Alternate names: East Marsela
- Language code: vme
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Central Malayo-Polynesian, Babar, South Babar, Masela-South Babar
- Number of speakers: 520
- Script: Category
More information:
Masela, East is a language of Indonesia. It is spoken in Maluku Province south, 3 villages. Marsela island southwest of Babar island, east central area across island.
The Masela, East Verb
- 'ilparəm -- to bite
- 'kan -- to eat
- 'kuni -- to burn
- 'mai -- to come
- 'mɛliet -- to fall
- 'mimn -- to drink
- ṃ'lim -- to fly
- 'moijin -- to sleep
- 'mok -- to die, be dead
- 'mokəvi -- to spit
- 'moklil -- to cry
- 'momol -- to laugh
- 'mona -- to walk
- 'mopri -- to stand
- 'movnon -- to swim
- mo'vorei -- to know, be knowledgeable
- ṃ'puli -- to kill
- ṃ'rel -- to hear
- 'muk -- to vomit
- 'mukak -- to sit
- 'mumu -- to dream
- 'oik -- to scratch
- um'kiol -- to see