- Language: Muna
- Alternate names: Wuna
- Language code: mnb
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Celebic, Eastern Celebic, Southeastern Celebic, Muna-Buton, Nuclear Muna-Buton, Munan, Munic, Western Munic
- Number of speakers: 300000
- Script:
More information:
Muna is a language of Indonesia. It is spoken in Southwest South Sulawesi Province, Muna island; northwest coast, Buton island. Also, central Maluku Province, Ambon city.
Burukene, Gu, Kadatua, Kapontori, Katobengke, Lakudo, Laompo, Mawasangka, Siompu, Standard Muna (Northern Muna), Tiworo (Eastern Muna). Subvarieties of standard Muna are: Tungkuno, Kabawo, Lawa, Katobu, Tobea Besar; of Gulamas are: Gu, Mawasangka, Lakudo, Wale-Ale, Lawama, Kadatua, Lowu-Lowu, Kalia-Lia, Katobengke, Topa, Salaa, Lawela, Laompo, and Burukene. Lexical similarity: 71% with Pancana (See: Pancana?), 62% with Cia-Cia (See: Cia-Cia?), 52% with Wolio (See: Wolio), 50% with Lasalimu (See: Lasalimu?), 47% with Tukang Besi (See: Tukang Besi North?) or (See: Tukang Besi South), 45% with Kamaru (See: Kamaru?).
The Muna Verb
- ghala
- gholi
- paghi
- a|foni, nofoni -- to climb
- abisara, apogau -- to say
- adadi -- to live, be alive
- ae|feo, ne|feo -- to squeeze
- ae|seli, ne|seli -- to dig
- aebhera, nedodo -- to cut, hack
- aebhogha, nebogha -- to split
- aefe|pili, nepili -- to choose
- aefeapi, nelentu -- to count
- aefekiri -- to think
- aefewono, nofowono -- to sniff, smell
- aegau -- to cook
- aegholi, ne|gholi -- to buy
- aeghompa, bandu -- to throw
- aeintara, neutara -- to hold
- aekomi -- to suck
- aekooli, netapu -- to tie up, fasten
- aekope, nefebuni -- to hide
- aekurumasi, nekurumasi -- to scratch
- aeladu, aetisa, netisa -- to plant
- aelengha, neleŋka -- to open, uncover
- aemama, kamama -- to chew
- aendole -- to lie down
- aengkora, neŋkora -- to sit
- aepana, netemba -- to shoot
- aepongko, fopoŋko -- to kill
- aere, noere, nontade -- to stand
- aesia, fonā -- to bite
- aetampoli, netampoli -- to sew
- aetobo, fotobo -- to stab, pierce
- aetumbu -- to pound, beat
- aetunu, ne|tunu -- to burn
- aewogha, fopepe, nesoda, nesuwu -- to hit
- aewora, aewura, nofoara -- to see
- afenei, nofenei -- to breathe
- afetingke, feteŋke -- to hear
- afoghoniu, feughi -- to spit
- aforoghu, foraghu -- to drink
- afu|taa, fo|ta -- to laugh
- afumaa, fo|mā -- to eat
- ahoro -- to fly
- ahulo, nofula, nokulo -- to hunt
- akala, no|kala -- to walk
- akaradhaa, karada -- to work
- aleni -- to swim
- amai -- to come
- amate -- to die, be dead
- ambolaku, nombulaku -- to steal
- amonifi, mo|nifi -- to dream
- andiwawa -- to yawn
- aoghae, noghae -- to cry
- aolodo, nolodo -- to sleep
- aotehi, no|tehi -- to fear
- apandehaane, pandehao -- to know, be knowledgeable
- apingka, nobelo -- to turn
- atongka, toŋka -- to vomit
- nebuso, no|f|iu -- to blow
- no|feo, notente, noyeo -- to swell
- nondafu, nondawu -- to fall
- nosolo -- to flow
- notumbu -- to grow