Old Dutch

Conjugate Verbs


  • Language: Old Dutch
  • Alternate names: Old Dutch
  • Language code: odt
  • Language family: Indo-European, Classical Indo-European, Germanic, Northwest Germanic, West Germanic, Macro-Dutch
  • Number of speakers: Extinct
  • Script: Latin script

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    Old Dutch is a linguistic term denoting the forms of West Franconian spoken and written during the early Middle Ages (c. 500 - 1150) in the Netherlands and the northern part of present-day Belgium. Old Dutch is considered the first stage in the development of a separate Dutch language and is succeeded by Middle Dutch in the later Middle Ages.

    The Old Dutch verb

    Sample verb: sorgon

    Present Past Present Past
    Sg.1 sorgon sorgoda sorge sorgode -
    Sg.2 sorgos sorgodos sorges sorgodes sorgo!
    Sg.3 sorgot sorgoda sorge sorgode -
    Pl.1 sorgon sorgodon sorgen sorgoden -
    Pl.2 sorgot sorgodet sorget sorgodet sorgot
    Pl.3 sorgont sorgodon sorgen sorgoden -


    afrion, afterthinsan, aginnan, ahton, anafallan, anafan, anafehtan, anafindan, anagan, ananeman, anasian, anasprecan, anastotan, andon, antbidan, antbindan, antfan, antfliegan, antgan, antgeldan, antlatan, antlucan, antquethan, antrinnan, antstan, anttian, antwican, antworden, ardon, arnon, aton, avacuman, avagan, avaneman, avaslan, avastan, bannon, baron, bathon, bedon, belgan, beran, bergan, bicuman, bicunnon, bidan, bidden, bidriegan, biedan, bifan, bifelan, bifindan, bigan, bigian, biginnan, biglidan, bigravan, bigripan, bihaldan, bihelan, bihouwan, bilithen, bilivan, bilucan, bindan, bineman, biradan, birinnan, bisian, bisitten, bislidan, bisnithan, bisprecan, bistan, bisweren, biswican, bithwingan, biwaldan, biwellan, biwerpan, blithen, blithon, blivan, bluoien, bogen, bradan, brecan, breiden, brennen, brestan, bringan, brinnan, clagon, clivon, copen, copon, coron, craien, crucigon, cuman, cunden, cunnan, daron, deren, dopen, dragan, dragon, dran, drenken, drepan, driepan, drincan, drivan, droppon, druoven, dugan, duomen, duomon, duon, durran, dwelan, enden, endon, enon, eron, etan, facon, fallan, fan, faran, farbergan, farbrestan, farbrinnan, fardervan, fardiligon, fardrincan, fardrivan, farfaran, farfehtan, fargan, fargeldan, fargetan, farhelan, farkiesan, farlatan, farlian, farliesan, farlithan, farmithan, farneman, farnietan, farplegan, farradan, farsacan, farsian, farsinnan, farskeithan, farslitan, farstan, farstotan, farswelgan, farswindan, farthrietan, farwatan, farwellan, farwerden, farwerpan, farwerthan, farwinnan, farwitan, fehtan, findan, firon, flian, fliegan, flietan, flitan, fluocon, folgon, forathian, fragon, fremmen, fuogen, gan, gedan, gemanohfaldon, geron, gerwen, gevan, gian, giargiron, giarmon, gibergan, gibiedan, gibrestan, gietan, gifindan, gigripan, gikiesan, gilithan, gimanagfaldon, ginathon, gineman, ginietan, girinnan, gisinnan, giskinan, gistervan, gistigan, githian, giwerthan, giwinnan, gravan, grawon, gripan, gruoien, gruonon, gurden, haldan, halton, han, haton, hebben, heffen, helan, helpan, hetan, hinanwerpan, hinanwican, hopon, horcon, houwan, huoden, irbarmon, irbelgan, irbevon, irskellan, irskinan, irwervan, jugithen, kennen, latan, lathon, lavon, leccon, leggen, leiden, lenen, leren, lernon, lesan, lesken, lian, libben, licon, liegan, liggen, lithan, loccon, logon, lopan, lovon, ludon, luoien, macon, mahalon, malthan, malthon, manon, martilon, maton, menden, menen, merken, metan, minnon, misken, mithan, mugan, muotan, muothen, naken, neigen, neman, nenden, niedon, nietan, nistilon, nithen, nitherscuvan, nitherstigan, nitherwerpan, ogen, opanon, overlithan, overspringan, pinigon, plagon, planton, plegan, predicon, quedden, quethan, quezzon, quiccon, quicken, radan, ramon, raston, reinen, respen, ridan, riecan, rinnan, runon, ruoken, ruopan, ruowon, salvon, samanon, scamon, scapon, scathon, scouwon, scrivan, scudden, scunden, scurgen, seganon, seggen, senden, sian, siecon, singan, sitten, skeinen, skeithan, skeldan, skellan, skenken, skeppen, skeran, skerpen, skietan, skinan, skiuwen, slan, slapan, slappon, slupan, smecken, smithon, snithan, sorgon, sprecan, stan, stervan, stigan, stincan, stotan, sugan, sulan, suoken, sweren, swindan, tellen, teman, tesamanebindan, tesamanethwingan, teslitan, tewerpan, thancon, tharvon, thecken, thenken, thennen, thian, thienon, thinsan, tholon, thraien, thunken, thurolithan, thurostrican, thurvan, thwan, thwingan, tian, tilon, togen, tredan, trosten, umbigripan, underthringan, underwindan, upstigan, utgietan, utgitian, utthinsan, wacon, waden, waien, waldan, wallan, wanen, wardon, wascan, wassan, wecken, wecon, wegen, weithinon, wellan, wellen, wenden, wenon, wernon, weron, werpan, werthan, wesan, wevan, wien, willen, winnan, wirken, witan, witherdrivan, witherkiesan, witherstridan, witinon, wonon, wunderon, wuopan, ᚨᚾᚾ.
