Otomi, Mezquital
Conjugate Verbs
- Language: Otomi, Mezquital
- Alternate names: Hñahñu, Otomí del Valle del Mezquital
- Language code: ote
- Language family:
Otomanguean, Western Otomanguean, Otopame-Chinantecan, Otopamean, Otomian, Otomi, Northwestern Otomi
- Number of speakers: 100,000 in Mexico (1990 census).
- Vulnerability: risk [Read more...]
- Script: Latin script.
More information:
Northwestern Otomi is a native American language of central Mexico.
The Otomi, Mezquital Verb
Like a typical Otomi language, verbs in Mezquital Otomi inflect for TAM
values and for person of the subject by means of a series of clitic words
that precede the verbal stem. All verbs inflect according to the same markers.
An illustrative example is the verb kuki [kɨhki] ‘get something down’.
The aspectual subparadigms for ‘incompletive’ and ‘completive’, as well as the ‘irrealis’ mood,
have been treated in the literature as tenses ‘present’, ‘past’ and ‘future’, respectively.
- a
- adi
- edi
- fatsʼí
- fatsꞌi
- hñu
- kalkula
- ne
- näni
- tihi
- tu
- uspi
- zoni
- z̄oní
- ñähñu
- ʼa
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