Palawano, Southwest
- Language: Palawano, Southwest
- Alternate names:
- Language code: plv
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Greater Central Philippine, Palawanic, Southern Palawanic, Molbog-Palawan, Nuclear Palawan, Brooke-Canipaan Palawan
- Number of speakers: 12000
- Script: Category
More information:
Palawano, Southwest is a language of Philippines. It is spoken in Southwest Palawan Island, north of Rizal to the south tip, east side from Bataraza south, mostly along upland rivers, some along the coast.
Intelligibility of Central Palawano (See: Palawano, Central?) 75%, of Brooke’s Point Palawano (See: Palawano, Brooke’s Point?) 76%. Lexical similarity: 85% with Brooke’s Point Palawano (See: Palawano, Brooke’s Point?), 78% with Central Palawano (See: Palawano, Central?).
The Palawano, Southwest Verb
- adong, madong, peadong -- to sit
- arek, erkan, marek -- to sniff, smell
- ato', mato' -- to come
- baga', maga' -- to swell
- bakal, megbakal -- to throw
- bela', megbela', randang, ridis -- to split
- beres, meres -- to say
- biag, megbiag -- to live, be alive
- biri', mebiri' -- to see
- buntol, pebuntol -- to lie down
- burbor, murbor -- to flow
- degdag, dumegdag, medegdag -- to fall
- deket, dektan, tumutong, tutong -- to burn
- dekla', dumekla' -- to grow
- dumres, tepig, tepiog, tumepig, tumepiog -- to blow
- elen, melen -- to buy
- ginawa, megginawa -- to breathe
- ibeg, mibeg -- to spit
- iga', miga' -- to sleep
- iluto', meg'iluto' -- to cook
- imatey, mengimatey, mimatey -- to kill
- ineik, mineik, tindal, tumindal, tumungol, tungol -- to climb
- inom, minom -- to drink
- isi', misi' et debdeb, misi' et gibang, misi' et kewanan -- to turn
- itong -- to count
- kaan, kumaan, mengaan -- to eat
- kagat, kumagat -- to bite
- kali, megkali -- to dig
- kepet, kumpet -- to hold
- keradya, megkeradya -- to work
- keseudan, meseudan, seod -- to know, be knowledgeable
- kesit, kumsit -- to laugh
- kesuda, suka, sumuka -- to vomit
- kingeg, kumingeg, pekingeg -- to hear
- kumutkot, kutkot, mengutkot -- to scratch
- langoy, lumangoy, meglangoy -- to swim
- laog, menakew, takew -- to steal
- lebek, menglebek -- to pound, beat
- lepad, lumpad -- to fly
- lipak, lumipak, meglipak -- to hit
- luak, lumuak, mengluak, sasad -- to plant
- manew, panew -- to walk
- matey, patey -- to die, be dead
- megpana' -- to shoot
- megpega -- to squeeze
- megsepa' -- to chew
- megsepsep -- to suck
- megwab -- to yawn
- memikir, pikir -- to think
- memili', pili' -- to choose
- meneginep, teginep -- to dream
- menubok, subok -- to hunt
- petago' -- to hide
- seksak, sumeksak -- to stab, pierce
- siak, sumiak -- to cry
- siget, sigtan, sumiget -- to tie up, fasten
- takot, tumakot -- to fear
- tehi', tumehi' -- to sew
- teyeg, tumyeg -- to stand
- tigbas, tumigbas -- to cut, hack
- tukas, tumukas -- to open, uncover