- Language: Puluwatese
- Alternate names: Puluwat
- Language code: puw
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Oceanic, Micronesian, Nuclear Micronesian, Central Micronesian, Western Micronesian, Chuukic-Ponapeic, Trukic, Nuclear Trukic, Central Trukic, Eastern Trukic, Puluwatese-Pollapese
- Number of speakers: 1360
- Vulnerability: Threatened [Read more...]
- Script: Category
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Puluwatese is a language of Micronesia. It is spoken in Polowat, Pollap, Houk (Pulusuk), and Tamtam islands, Carolines.
Pulapese, Pulusukese, Puluwatese. 64% intelligibility of Satawalese (See: Satawalese), 40% of Woleaian (See: Woleaian), 21% of Ulithian (See: Ulithian?). Lexical similarity: 88% with Satawalese (See: Satawalese) and Carolinian (See: Carolinian), 83% with Mortlockese (See: Mortlockese), 82% with Woleaian (See: Woleaian), 81% with Chuukese (See: Chuukese), 72% with Ulithian (See: Ulithian?).
The Puluwatese Verb
- haŕam
- ŋahaŋah
- (ya)-kékkay, fah -- to laugh
- (ya)-ma-nawa, má-naw -- to live, be alive
- (ya)-mʷaʀ, (ya)-mʷaʀú-(ya-) -- to hold
- (ya)-mʷoot, (yó)-mʷoot, (yó)-mʷota-, pʷuka -- to cook
- fééfé, féé-ti-(y) -- to tie up, fasten
- -fetál -- to walk
- fili-(i-y) -- to choose
- fiye-(y) -- to squeeze
- fóóle-(y), fóóle-ni, fóóle-yá-(y), ffól -- to grow
- fót, fóto-ki-(y) -- to plant
- háŋ -- to cry
- kéét, keri-(y), keriker, yáriker -- to scratch
- kel, keli-ŋi-(y), tow -- to dig
- kkú-ú -- to bite
- kú -- to burn
- kúle-e-(y) -- to know, be knowledgeable
- kúll -- to turn
- lúú, lúúlú, ŋú-ti-(y) -- to chew
- má -- to die, be dead
- máŋimáŋ, yákiyák, yekiyek, yekiyeki-(y) -- to think
- mawúr -- to sleep
- me-hak -- to fear
- mém-méwóó-(n-atél) -- to yawn
- móót, mó-tiw -- to sit
- mor -- to fall
- mʷéŋé, mʷéŋéé-(n), yaŋi-(y) -- to eat
- mʷmʷuh -- to vomit
- mʷóʀow -- to steal
- ni, nii-ni -- to kill
- ŋahaŋah -- to breathe
- óttúfe, yóttúf -- to spit
- páápá, páá-ŋ, páá-ŋi, páá-ŋi-(y), paapa, yálle-(ya), yálle-(ya-ni) -- to count
- pʷak -- to open, uncover
- pʷo, pʷoopʷo -- to swell
- pʷo, wúkúúk, wuk -- to pound, beat
- pʷu, pʷuupʷu -- to flow
- roŋ, roŋoroŋ -- to hear
- téé-(tá), téé-ki-y -- to climb
- teete, tee-y, ti (faaʀ), ti-k, ti-ki-i-(y) -- to sew
- téŋú-ú-(w) -- to sniff, smell
- tile-ŋi-(y) -- to split
- ttan, ttana-a -- to dream
- tto, ttow, ttow-(púŋ) -- to stab, pierce
- tuku-u-(w) -- to hit
- weri-(y), weriwer -- to see
- wiiki-(y) -- to blow
- woon -- to lie down
- wún, wúnú-mi-(y), wúnu-ma-(n) -- to drink
- wúú-(tá) -- to stand
- yáál -- to fly
- yáfe-, yaf -- to swim
- yáʀe-(y) -- to throw
- yopo-(ló) -- to hide