- Language: Satawalese
- Alternate names:
- Language code: stw
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Oceanic, Micronesian, Nuclear Micronesian, Central Micronesian, Western Micronesian, Chuukic-Ponapeic, Trukic, Nuclear Trukic, Central Trukic, Satawalese-Carolinian
- Number of speakers: 460
- Vulnerability: Endangered [Read more...]
- Script:
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Satawalese is a language of Micronesia. It is spoken in Satawal island, Caroline Islands.
60% intelligibility of Ulithian (See: Ulithian?) and Woleaian (See: Woleaian). Lexical similarity: 95% with Carolinian (See: Carolinian), 88% with Woleaian (See: Woleaian) and Puluwatese (See: Puluwatese), 82% with Mortlockese (See: Mortlockese), 79% with Chuukese (See: Chuukese), 77% with Ulithian (See: Ulithian?).
The Satawalese Verb
- aentiw
- aetiweni
- faeraek
- ffeor
- nikiti
- (a)-mmoot -- to cook
- (kúla)-mʷmʷe, mawúr -- to sleep
- aŋi -- to eat
- fetál, fetán -- to walk
- fil, fili-(y) -- to choose
- fiye-e-(y) -- to squeeze
- fóót, fóto-ki, ffót -- to plant
- keriker -- to scratch
- kkay -- to laugh
- kkel -- to dig
- kúle-e-(y) -- to know, be knowledgeable
- kú-ú-(w), kúúkú -- to bite
- lii-(y), niini -- to kill
- má, máá- -- to die, be dead
- má-nawa-(n) -- to live, be alive
- máŋimáŋ -- to think
- me-sak -- to fear
- móót, móóto-(tiw) -- to sit
- mʷmʷus -- to vomit
- mʷóʀo, púraf, pirifa -- to steal
- paapa -- to count
- pʷoo -- to swell
- roŋ, roŋoroŋ -- to hear
- safasaf -- to cut, hack
- súkú, yúkú-(w) -- to pound, beat
- teete, tee-yi -- to sew
- téŋú, ttéŋ -- to sniff, smell
- towutow -- to stab, pierce
- weri -- to see
- wolo-(tiw) -- to lie down
- yaaf -- to swim
- yaniyan -- to fly
- yaʀe-(i) -- to throw