- Language: Sonsorol
- Alternate names: Sonsorolese
- Language code: sov
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Oceanic, Micronesian, Nuclear Micronesian, Central Micronesian, Western Micronesian, Chuukic-Ponapeic, Trukic, Western Trukic, Sonsorol-Tobi
- Number of speakers: 360
- Vulnerability: Endangered [Read more...]
- Script:
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Sonsorol is a language of Palau. It is spoken in Sonsorol, Pulo Anna, and Merir islands.
Merir, Pulo Anna, Sonsorolese. Significant linguistic differences between Tobian (See: Tobian?) and Sonsorolese; similar to or greater than differences between, e.g., Puluwatese (See: Puluwatese) and Namonuito (See: Namonuito?). 50% intelligibility of Woleaian (See: Woleaian), less with the remainder of the Trukic continuum. The Merir dialect has been reported to be extinct. Lexical similarity: 69% with Ulithian (See: Ulithian?).
The Sonsorol Verb
- (ka)-masú, ka-mwasú -- to hold
- (ka)-mété, mééta, métté, meté, pʷuka -- to cook
- datane, nako -- to walk
- dato, datoki, dato-ki, dato-ko -- to plant
- daúdaú, faúfaú, ka-mmwasʊ́ -- to tie up, fasten
- diŋiti, fiya-fiya, fiŋiti -- to squeeze
- do-dolo, tútú -- to suck
- dolú, dolʊ́, kaʊ́ -- to say
- dúú, dúú- -- to stand
- dúú-dúʊ́, ppao -- to pound, beat
- duuki -- to open, uncover
- fitekɪ -- to work
- itakʊ́, tangʊ́, taŋú -- to sniff, smell
- ka-memee, ŋúú-tú, ŋúúŋú -- to chew
- kangia, kaŋi, mʷaŋaú, mwangaʊ́ -- to eat
- kase-di, kase-fi, ka-tingi -- to throw
- kelikelɪ, kelikeli, kkatú -- to scratch
- keni-ŋi, k-kenɪ -- to dig
- kilidɪ -- to flow
- kokoti, tumuna -- to grow
- kú-dú, kúdú-, kúkú, kútúkútú -- to bite
- kúna-a -- to know, be knowledgeable
- kutudɛ -- to spit
- kúú -- to burn
- longo-longo, loŋoloŋo -- to hear
- maao -- to yawn
- maato, mato -- to sit
- made, madɛ -- to die, be dead
- madúlú, madúlʊ́ -- to sleep
- ma-takú, matakʊ -- to fear
- maúlú, maúlʊ́ -- to live, be alive
- mengi-a, meŋi, meŋimeŋi -- to think
- mmanɪ -- to laugh
- mʷano, mwano -- to hide
- mwasoko, pila, piladú, piladʊ́, pilafa -- to steal
- mʷmʷuta, mwmwuta -- to vomit
- ngada, ŋada -- to breathe
- nii, nii- -- to kill
- pako, wetewet, wete-wetɛ -- to count
- parú-yerʊ́ -- to buy
- púngʊ́ -- to fall
- pweedɪ -- to shoot
- pwi- -- to come
- pʷoo, pwoo -- to swell
- tada, tapa-tapa -- to cut, hack
- tangɪ, taŋi, taŋitaŋi -- to cry
- táu-, taú-(take), taútaú -- to climb
- tei-di, tei-teɪ, teitei -- to sew
- tina-ngi, tina-ŋi -- to split
- tiwerɛ -- to choose
- tou, tou-toʊ, toutou -- to stab, pierce
- ttana -- to dream
- uku, wuugu -- to blow
- únú, únú-mi, únúmi- -- to drink
- wan-tú -- to hit
- wekɪ -- to turn
- weli, weli- -- to see
- wono-, wono-(tio), woro- -- to lie down
- yada -- to swim
- yanɪ, yani -- to fly