- Language: Taloki
- Alternate names: Talloki, Taluki
- Language code: tlk
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Celebic, Eastern Celebic, Southeastern Celebic, Bungku-Tolaki, Eastern Bungku-Tolaki, East Coast Bungku-Tolaki
- Number of speakers: 550
- Vulnerability: Endangered [Read more...]
- Script: Category
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Taloki is a language of Indonesia. It is spoken in South East Sulawesi Province, Buton island. Wakorumba subdistrict, Maligano village; northwest coast; Kapontori subdistrict, Wakalambe village, in southern island area.
Lexical similarity: 77% with Kulisusu (See: Kulisusu); 75% with Koroni (See: Koroni); 66% with Wawonii (See: Wawonii), Bungku (See: Bungku), and Tulambatu dialect of Bungku (See: Bungku); 65% with Moronene (See: Moronene).
The Taloki Verb
- heke -- to laugh
- kododole -- to lie down
- lumaa -- to fly
- lumiŋka -- to walk
- lunaŋi -- to swim
- mate -- to die, be dead
- membeu -- to pound, beat
- memeluo -- to vomit
- meʔilii -- to spit
- mondoʔu -- to drink
- montunu -- to burn
- moturi -- to sleep
- moʔipi -- to dream
- paŋka -- to cry
- pentade -- to stand
- pepate -- to kill
- poŋkaa -- to eat
- poŋkikii -- to bite
- poroŋe -- to hear
- saba -- to come
- tae -- to say
- totoro -- to sit
- toʔori -- to know, be knowledgeable
- tuuna -- to fall