- Language: Tomini
- Alternate names: Mouton, Moutong, Tiadje, Tialo
- Language code: txm
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Celebic, Tomini-Tolitoli, Tominic, Northern Tomini
- Number of speakers: 30000
- Vulnerability: Threatened [Read more...]
- Script: Category
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Tomini is a language of Indonesia. It is spoken in Central Sulawesi Province, Moutong, Tomini, and Tinombo subdistricts, 42 villages. Northeast coast along Tomini bay, inland. Southwest corner of Gorontalo Province.
The Tomini Verb
- anjul -- to flow
- ate -- to die, be dead
- batoʔ -- to tie up, fasten
- bias -- to split
- bilang -- to count
- boʔas -- to open, uncover
- domoʔ -- to stab, pierce
- duaʔ -- to come
- dungkoʔ -- to sit
- gabu -- to cook
- gama -- to work
- gambul -- to say
- geeʔ -- to cry
- gubasʔ -- to hunt
- imun -- to drink
- jaum -- to sew
- kikib -- to bite
- kundu -- to sniff, smell
- lampa -- to walk
- lampun mo- -- to burn
- laʔe, peneʔ -- to climb
- leab -- to fly
- lolonan -- to swim
- longo -- to hear
- lopaʔ -- to hit
- mangkaʔ -- to swell
- nabu -- to fall
- ngkeung -- to lie down
- ngkoog -- to stand
- ngoyab -- to yawn
- ntaul -- to chew
- nyaa -- to breathe
- oli -- to buy
- oto -- to know, be knowledgeable
- pate -- to kill
- peenyu -- to spit
- pendoling -- to steal
- pikir -- to think
- pile -- to choose
- pomula -- to plant
- poog -- to squeeze
- saempal -- to turn
- sambuni -- to hide
- sosop -- to suck
- suba -- to blow
- suʔo -- to vomit
- tataa -- to laugh
- temba -- to shoot
- tubu -- to grow
- tubu -- to live, be alive
- tutu -- to pound, beat
- upi -- to dream
- ʔano -- to eat
- ʔaug -- to dig
- ʔeat -- to fear
- ʔito -- to see
- ʔogon -- to hold
- ʔolog -- to cut, hack
- ʔotulug -- to sleep
- ʔuʔug, mongkalais -- to scratch