- Language: Vitu
- Alternate names: Muduapa, Witu
- Language code: wiv
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Oceanic, Western Oceanic linkage, Meso Melanesian linkage, Bali-Vitu
- Number of speakers: 8800
- Script:
More information:
Vitu is a language of Papua New Guinea. It is spoken in West New Britain Province, Talasea district, Vitu and Mudua islands off northwest coast.
2 or 3 dialects. Mudua Island variety may be a separate language. Related to Uneapa (See: Uneapa?).
The Vitu Verb
- bebe -- to fly
- bebeǥia -- to squeeze
- bubu, wata -- to swell
- ḏaǥaḏaǥa -- to work
- ḏaǥe -- to climb
- dopia -- to cut, hack
- dua, poke -- to fall
- ḏuḏu -- to suck
- ḏuŋia -- to sniff, smell
- ǥada -- to see
- ǥaḏenia -- to count
- ǥaloho -- to cry
- galuḏu -- to grow
- ǥani -- to eat
- ǥatewawani -- to fear
- ǥinu -- to drink
- ǥivu -- to breathe
- ǥovi -- to dig
- ǥubi -- to kill
- ǥuḏu -- to swim
- ǥulo', tunu -- to cook
- ǥutuwalagia -- to split
- hubi -- to pound, beat
- kade -- to buy
- kalakala -- to burn
- kavili -- to blow
- koria -- to scratch
- lala -- to know, be knowledgeable
- lama -- to lie down
- livoroka -- to spit
- lohoi -- to think
- loŋo -- to hear
- lua -- to vomit
- madi -- to stand
- maǥuri -- to live, be alive
- mai -- to come
- maki -- to choose
- maliki -- to flow
- mama -- to chew
- maŋi|nuvia -- to dream
- maraŋavi -- to yawn
- mate -- to die, be dead
- mia -- to sit
- noŋo -- to laugh
- ŋoro -- to sleep
- paǥoria -- to hold
- pandea -- to stab, pierce
- paŋo -- to hunt
- parizigi -- to hide
- rabebenia -- to shoot
- tania -- to say
- turia -- to sew
- tutuǥia, waritutu -- to hit
- vaḏaǥia -- to plant
- vana -- to walk
- voḏo -- to throw
- vutuǥia -- to tie up, fasten
- wanaǥo -- to steal
- warihara -- to bite