- Language: Woleaian
- Alternate names:
- Language code: woe
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Oceanic, Micronesian, Nuclear Micronesian, Central Micronesian, Western Micronesian, Chuukic-Ponapeic, Trukic, Nuclear Trukic
- Number of speakers: 1630
- Vulnerability: Threatened [Read more...]
- Script:
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Woleaian is a language of Micronesia. It is spoken in Woleai (Wottegai), Falalus, Seliap (Sulywap), Falalop (Falalap), Tegailap (Tagalap), Paliau, Mariang, Eauripik, Faraulep, Elato, Lamotrek, and Ifaluk islands; east Caroline Islands. The first 5 listed are inhabited. 22 islands total, Yap State.
Lamotrek, Woleaian. 84% intelligibility of Satawalese (See: Satawalese), 81% of Ulithian (See: Ulithian?), 50% of Sonsorol (See: Sonsorol), very low of Puluwatese (See: Puluwatese) and Chuukese (See: Chuukese). Lexical similarity: 88% with Satawalese (See: Satawalese) and Carolinian (See: Carolinian), 82% with Puluwatese (See: Puluwatese), 80% with Ulithian (See: Ulithian?), 78% with Mortlockese (See: Mortlockese), 75% with Chuukese (See: Chuukese).
The Woleaian Verb
- betai
- cha
- chau
- ffas
- ffir
- liili
- mas
- mmwut
- nngas
- paapa
- rongorong
- teoriu
- ttou
- uwwar
- uwwel
- (ga)-met, (ga)-mett, buga-a, ga-metaa, mette -- to cook
- (ge)-fase, ffasa, ffase, mmalɪ -- to laugh
- (ge)-mʷashú-(ú), (ge)-mʷashú-(ú-we), ge-mwmwashiu-a -- to hold
- bboo, bboo-li-(i), pwpwoo, súgú-ú, siugiu-siugɪʊ -- to pound, beat
- boo, booboo -- to swell
- buu-, too- -- to come
- chi, fagola-(a), fagole, fasa, tumwula -- to grow
- fato, fato-gi-(i), fato-giɪ, fato-go, ffato -- to plant
- fééféé, féé-ti-(i), geogeo -- to tie up, fasten
- fetale, lago -- to walk
- ffili, fili-(i), filiɪ -- to choose
- fisng-egɪ, gúú -- to burn
- fiya-(a), fiya-a, fiyefiye -- to squeeze
- gaaɪʊ, serú, serɪʊ -- to say
- gangiɪ, gaŋi-(i), mʷoŋoo, mwongoo -- to eat
- gashe-e-(ye), te-ttara -- to throw
- gelɪ, keli, keli-ŋi-(i) -- to dig
- geri-gerɪ, gerigeri, kkéétú -- to scratch
- gile, giula-a -- to know, be knowledgeable
- gopii-ya, tafatafe, tepa-giɪ -- to cut, hack
- gúúgúú, geigei, giu-giu, giu-wa, kúkkú -- to bite
- heļ, seetɪ -- to flow
- k-ka-meo -- to buy
- kutʊ, ma-ttipi, ma-ttipi-(ye) -- to spit
- lii-(ye), lii-li, lii-ya, ninnii-(ye), nnii -- to kill
- lúúlúú, lúúlúú-(we), ngiu-, ŋú-ti-i -- to chew
- maiurɪʊ, melawa, me-lawe -- to live, be alive
- mangi-a, maŋi-i-(ye), maŋimeŋi, yagi-(le), yagi-yagi, yagiyegi -- to think
- mase, masɛ -- to die, be dead
- masúrú, masiurɪʊ, mʷmʷe -- to sleep
- matto -- to sit
- me-tagú-(ú), metagʊ -- to fear
- móó-(li-gatelú), moa-li-gatelɪʊ -- to yawn
- mwalo, yope, yopɛ -- to hide
- mʷashogo, mwashogo, pira-a, pirafa, pirafe -- to steal
- mʷmʷute, mwmwuta -- to vomit
- mʷoro, mʷoromʷoro, p-piungɪʊ -- to fall
- ngiuri-a -- to sniff, smell
- ng-ngasa, ŋaseŋase -- to breathe
- paapaa, paa-paa, watewate, wate-watɛ, weta-gi-(i) -- to count
- pagiu-a, tile-ngiɪ, tile-ŋi-(i) -- to split
- pakkɪ -- to shoot
- péépéé, uguu-a, uguugu -- to blow
- rongo-rongo, roŋoroŋ -- to hear
- sape, sossor -- to turn
- shagee-ya -- to hunt
- soro- -- to suck
- súú, siu- -- to stand
- suugiɪ, waa-(ruu), waawaa -- to open, uncover
- tangɪ, taŋi, taŋiteŋi -- to cry
- téé, téé-(tage), téégiɪ -- to climb
- teetee, teeteɛ, tee-ye, ti-gi-(i) -- to sew
- togatoge, tou-toʊ, toutou -- to stab, pierce
- ttala, ttale -- to dream
- tugu, wau-ti-a, wishii-ya -- to hit
- úlú, úlú-ma-(le), úlú-mi-(i), iulɪʊ, iuliumiɪ -- to drink
- weri, weriɪ, weriweri -- to see
- wolo, wolo- -- to lie down
- yafa, yafe -- to swim
- yalɪ, yali -- to fly
- yengaanga -- to work