Romani, Carpathian
- Language: Romani, Carpathian
- Alternate names: Bashaldo, Hungarian-Slovak Romani, Romungro
- Language code: rmc
- Language family: Indo-European, Classical Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Indo-Aryan, Indo-Aryan Central zone, Romani
- Dialects: Romani, Dolenjski, Romani, East Slovak, Romani, Hungarian Vend, Romani, Prekmurski, Romani, Romungro, Romani, Veršend, Romani, Burgenland.
- Number of speakers: 491100
- Vulnerability: risk [Read more...]
- Script: Latin script.
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Carpathian Romani, also known as Central Romani or Romungro Romani, is a group of dialects of the Romani language spoken from southern Poland to Hungary, and from eastern Austria to Ukraine.